Saturday, March 8, 2008


Some overzealous cable guy probably cut off our cable this morning. I'd been watching HGTV before that and had switched the TV off to put my daughter down to sleep. And in the interim, it happened. Since then, all I can see are those million mosquitos buzzing around in some kind of frenzied dance.

I feel what Dentona must've felt when she pulled the plug on her TV. There's a sudden vaccuum in the normal sounds of my home this time of day - chirpy newscasters, second hand sounds of a powertool whirring. White noise to let me know all is well in the world beyond, because people are fighting wars, building homes, worrying about rainy weekend forecasts.

It's disconcerting - this lack of noise. But we've adjusted to it, at least for today. I spent some time cuddling with my daughter. Did a silly dance. Read. Today's Washington Post had a piece on performance artist []Melissa Ichiuji[/url]. The essence of her art is to do away with every need, and see how far she can go. Is there a strange coincidence that my cable was cut today, right after I'd read about renouncing things? It's kinda like how you learn a new word, and it seems like it's suddenly cropping up all over the place.

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