Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sailing on the wings of spring

I've been enjoying the great weather we're having on the east coast. Hard to stay indoors any more. A friend of mine is in love. I think. Great timing - with the weather and all. Watching her act all frou frou is like watching myself eight years ago. Somewhere I read a long time ago, that everyone should fall in love at least once in their lives. I'm happy it's happening to her now. Maybe a tad envious.

This is what's going around in my head after the Cuddletime session at the library:

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
Is fif-teen miles
From Wobbleton to Wibbleton
Is fif-teen miles
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
And Wobbleton to Wibbleton
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
Is fif-teen miles.

I kept thinking it should be 45 miles for the round trip Wibbleton - Wobbleton, and back, but who cares? I kept chanting it to my baby on the bus ride back. I think she'll throw up next time I go wibble wobble.

Thanks for the link, GB. The Elegant Universe is what I've been after, my library seems to have lost the one existing copy it had.

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