Saturday, March 8, 2008

Worries and a Reprieve

I met my adviser today - he says I can walk during the grad ceremony this spring and submit my script by end of summer term. So I'm happy as a peacock in the rains, which is how it is right now. I wanna get out for a walk, but it's windy and raining, so I'm raiding the fridge every half hour instead.

This week we got a notice that our apartment complex has been deemed a "breeding ground of unsavory activity" and for this reason, ours and 21 other apartment complexes might actually be shut down. Whoa! High drama. Where would all of us 1400 families go? Would they put up refugee camps for us? Would Red Cross or Amnesty care, since we're not really victims of violent crimes? A part of me selfishly wishes it would come to pass - it would be nice to observe something like this happening to me.

On the drive to Annapolis this Sunday, I noticed some precocious tulips had already started blooming. Thank god for the rebels. I lived in Annapolis for the first two years of my married life. It used to be the capital of the States at one point of time. Its downtown area is just beautiful. On warm evenings and weekends, the whole town just turns out by the waterfront. Every summer they have a tug-of-war across the lake, the rope actually snakes through the waters. The sidewalk cafes and the brick paved roads add European charm. We moved out of Annapolis because getting to DC was so hard for me. Now when we visit friends, I think the roads look more crowded. You can see more apartments and townhomes coming up. I worry about the town that has become a home away from home for me.

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