Saturday, March 8, 2008


We had a party this weekend. Another couple, who'd generally been ignoring me for the last few months, called and invited themselves over. My stupid, calculating, cheap mind immediately thought that they had been telling us for ages they would invite us over, and now this. But, spring is in the air, and I want to get back to socializing as much as before, so I'm just going to go with the flow and have them over.

Today was a good day. I managed to cram in a few hours of shopping. Mostly stuff for myself, some for the baby. My poor husband just walked around with our little girl in the stroller, while I flitted in and out of fitting rooms weighed under a mountain of clothes. It felt really good, and there's probably no better time than sale season to get your juices flowing.

The only time he put his foot down was when I picked up this lime green leather purse. In his head, he has this running mathematical total of the number of purses I have, the number of shoes, and so on and can easily spout those stats at the drop of a hat. I tried telling him that lime green was an unrepresented color, so could I give it a fair chance? No go. He made me put it down on a rack in the middle of the kiddie section. I still remember where I put it, so I can go back and buy it w/o him knowing :D

Coming soon to a city near you - Shopaholics Anonymous..... God knows I need it.

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