Saturday, March 8, 2008

happy valentine's and my first memory

A happy Valentine's to everyone who celebrates it. I hope it was a good day in general for everyone.

I'm going to try Skipper's exercise. Quilting my memory mat seems to be my fav pastime of late anyways.

My first memory - We had these huge wooden windows in our first floor flat, overlooking the street. They had horizontal iron bars and I used to sit in the bedroom window, dangling my feet outside. I must have been about two, my sister a few months old. I managed to get her off the bed and onto my lap where I sat, but she started slipping through the bars. My mother who was buying vegetables downstairs suddenly saw what was happening and ran up screaming. By then my grandfather pulled me and my sister off and I got a nice spanking from him. I remember the rush of fear the most, a hot, brown, sick feeling at the bottom of my stomach, as I sensed my sister slipping out of my hands.

The situations aren't quite the same, but I liked this poem when I read it:

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