Saturday, March 8, 2008

In a pickle

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Knowing that I could upload avatars had me scrambling to create something, but my photoshop skills have rusted. Plus the pressure to create something cool like Jenny's - oh, I know the dictum about keeping up with the Joneses and the Jennies, but I'd like to try at least. Hopefully something this week.

I got some of my script down in long hand, and made two jars of vegetable pickles, so I'm feeling nice and dandy with the world right now. On Sunday we made a deposit to hold the townhome we both liked. Now all we do is sit and plan finances, putting in this option, taking out that, so we don't shoot our budget. After a point I just needed to do something more restful. So I hacked veggies. Go figure.

Here's a Newsweek article that might interest some of you - the zealotry of non-smokers. I think Dentona wrote an entry on this a few days back. [url][/url]. Also something else that gave me an upset stomach - foie gras - [url][/url].

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